Lifeline 2 – An Ultimate Nonprofit WordPress Theme for Charity, Fundraising and NGO Organizations

Lifeline2 is a premium Nonprofit WordPress theme 2022 has got free donations plugin to get donations worldwide. We offer 15+ payment gateways to get donation through MasterCard, Visa Card, Paypal or bank transfer. By purchasing our Lifeline2 theme you won’t get this offer in any other theme even on

Other than this, Lifeline2 is an easy to install theme. Watch a 2 minutes demo installation video here which shows Lifelne2 only takes few minutes to set up a fully functional website on your domain. 10 ready to use niche based demos for any nonprofit organisation are given in the package with detailed documentation to help you build a fundraising website easily.

Features of Lifeline2 Charity and Fundraising WordPress Theme

  • Self Donation System – The Organisation Can Make The Donations Itself
  • 10+ Highly Customisable Niche Based Demos with 1000+ Options To Control The Theme
  • Donation System Options
    • Recurring Donation Options
    • One-Time Donation Options
    • Paypal Supported Donations
    • Bank Transfer Supported Donations
    • Credit Card Donation Support
    • Set Donations on Monthly, Weekly, Daily or Yearly or Time Based Donations of Your Choice
    • Currency Setting Options
    • Option for Donation Button in The Header
    • Reporting on The Front-end For Donations
    • Donation Amount Setting Options
  • 7 Header Style (Fully Customisable) with Header Builder
  • Boxed / Wide Layout Options
  • Set any Colour Scheme
  • Google Map Display Options to Show the Office Address
  • Newsletter Options in The Footer
  • Twitter Widget for The Footer and The Sidebar
  • Detailed Settings given for Post Category, Single Post, Archive, Search, Author in Theme Options
  • Customization Options for Projects Custom Post Type Settings
  • Customization Options for Causes Custom Post Type Settings
  • Customization Options for Stories Custom Post Type Settings
  • Customization Options for Team Custom Post Type Settings
  • Customization Options for Events Custom Post Type Settings
  • Customization Options for Galleries Custom Post Type Settings
  • Customization Options for Services Custom Post Type Settings
  • Customization Options for Product Page Settings
  • unlimited sidebar creating options
  • Theme Typography Options Select Anyone from 500+ Google Fonts
  • Fully Customzable Widgets
    • About Us Widget
    • Blog Post Widget for Recent and Popular Posts
    • Flickr Feed Widget
    • Layerslider Widget to Display Slides in The Sidebar
    • Donation Banner Widget to Promote any Cause
    • Twitter Tweets Widget
    • Upcoming Events Widget
    • Video Promotion Widget
Author: 6 Sigma Matrix
Client: Webinane
Date: October 27, 2022